Wednesday, 27 December 2017

New Year, new calendar

Just a quick blog from me today. As we approach the New Year I thought it would be a good idea to share with you all the World Banks 2018 water calendar.

Every year the World Bank creates a calendar about the most serious issues facing water worldwide, the 2018 calendar has a specific focus on the provision of adequate water and sanitation. Throughout the 12 cartoon pictures, the World Bank has highlighted the main issues facing water and sanitation. Below I have included my favourite. Each of the months come with a fact about water and sanitation which I have included in the caption of each figure. 

Figure 1: January 

'$114 billion per year in overall global investment is needed to meet SDG targets for water supply and sanitation'

Figure 2: February

2 in 5 people live in parts of the world affected by water stress

Figure 3: March 

2.1 billion people lack access to safe, readily available water at home.

Figure 4: May 

Sub-Saharan Africa loses more than 40 billion potential work hours per year collecting water.

Figure 5: October 

Avoidable diarrheal diseases kill one child every minute

I think this is a great idea by the World Bank to try and highlight the issues of water and sanitation in a 'fun' way. Unfortunately, however, I do not see the calendar being used by the masses, perhaps only those who work for the World Bank and those who are greatly interested in water and sanitation around the world. And so, I urge all of you to make the World Bank water and sanitation your calendar for 2018, you can download it here: 


  1. Great blog post- sometimes cartoons speak much louder than words!!

  2. Thanks Candida. I totally agree with you, I think they are a clever way of spreading a powerful message.



Unfortunately, it is time for me to bring this blog to a close. Throughout the weeks I have raised the issues of disease, open-defecation, t...